Sowing Seeds of Opportunity

Incubator Program

Our Incubator Program is designed to support first-time gardeners, farmers, and community growers on their journey toward food sovereignty. By offering practical, affordable options, the program helps participants transition to independent, sustainable operations.

For many, the lack of space or resources can make it challenging to start farming or gardening at home. The financial and logistical hurdles of renting land and setting up essential infrastructure often feel overwhelming.

The Incubator Program bridges this gap by providing access to land, tools, equipment, and a network of experienced mentors. Our mission is to make farmland accessible to everyone, regardless of background, while promoting food sovereignty and sustainable farming practices. By empowering individuals and communities to grow healthy, life-sustaining food, we aim to support markets, food banks, and movements that value environmental and social resilience.

who is eligible?

While we consider all applicants to the Incubator Farm Program, we prioritize admission for people of color, immigrants, refugees and women. We aim to build a more diverse farming community by supporting those who often experience significant systemic barriers to starting their business.

  • Should demonstrate gardening experience, such as a backyard gardening, community garden allotment, family farming, homesteading, on-farm employment, internships, or similar experience.

  • Should have a clear farm business or community garden concept and commitment to farming with respect for the land.

Nourishing Communities

Egg Donation Program

The tiny farm is committed to helping fight hunger, ensuring that food gets directly to those vulnerable people who need it the most. All the eggs laid at the tiny farm are donated monthly to the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley, Stuyvesant NY location.

The egg is a powerhouse of disease-fighting nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin. One egg only has 75 calories, but also contains 7 grams of high-quality protein, 5 grams of fat, and 1.6 grams of saturated fat, along with iron, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids. These carotenoids may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in older adults. In addition, brain development and memory may also be enhanced by the choline content of eggs.

What Is Pasture Raised?

While free-range requires hens to have access to the outdoors, Pasture Raised farms are required to give easy access to the open outdoors, not just a “peep-hole”.

Although cage-free and free-range can indicate the flock has been raised without being restrained by a cage, Pasture Raised also guarantees a minimum space of 108 square feet per hen.

Why Are Eggs Different Colors?

An eggs’ color is determined by the breed of the hen, not by living conditions or quality of the feed. At the tiny farm we raise the following breeds of chickens:

  • Easter Egger

  • ISA Brown

  • Leghorn

  • Plymouth Rock

  • Rhode Island Red

  • Silver Laced Wyandotte

  • Ameraucana

  • Australorp

  • Black Sex Link

  • Blue Plymouth Rock

  • Brahma

  • Buff Orpington

St Joseph’s Church Food Pantry
1820 US Route 9, Stuyvesant, NY 12173
2nd Friday of every Month
1:00pm - 3:00pm


Finding Rest, Sowing Dreams

Sojourners at the tiny farm are individuals seeking a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the rhythm of farm life.

Living on the farm for a minimum of one month, sojourners become an integral part of our farm, contributing to its daily operations and growth. Each sojourner is assigned specific responsibilities and tasks that help sustain the farm, from tending to crops and caring for animals to assisting with projects that support our permaculture and no-till practices.

We welcome people from all walks of life to join as sojourners. No prior farming experience is required—just a willingness to learn, grow, and actively engage in the communal lifestyle. Whether you're looking to reconnect with nature, gain hands-on agricultural knowledge, or simply find a place of rest and renewal, our program provides a supportive environment to explore your passions while making meaningful contributions to the farm.

Through shared work, meals, and experiences, sojourners forge connections with the land, the community, and themselves, leaving with new skills, insights, and memories that last a lifetime.

Year End Summary: from Inception to Now

Egg Donations

Since our egg donation program began, we have provided a total of 24,102 fresh, farm-raised eggs to individuals and families in need. These eggs represent hundreds of meals and a steady source of nutritious protein for our community.

While the total number of eggs donated in 2024 saw a slight decline, this reflects the natural challenges of maintaining a pasture-raised flock. Our aging hens, who are lovingly allowed to retire and live out their days with their flock, have reduced their laying rates. Additionally, this year presented unique hurdles, including changes in laying patterns during unusually higher temperatures in the summer and colder months as well as a several unfortunate losses to coyote predation due to our larger ranging flock.

Looking ahead, we are optimistic. Spring 2025 will bring the arrival of new chicks, boosting egg production for the latter half of the year. With consistent maintenance of flock numbers moving forward, we anticipate more reliable yields in future years.

We remain committed to treating our hens with dignity, honoring their contributions to our farm and community. Thank you to everyone who has supported our mission. Together, we continue to make a meaningful impact, one egg at a time.

Breakdown Year by Year


total: 5226


Jan: 450 Feb: 690 Mar: 570 Apr: 720 May: 900 Jun: 450

Jul: 630 Aug: 570 Sep: 550 Oct: 732 Nov: 360 Dec: 378

total: 7000


Jan: 354 Feb: 306 Mar: 372 Apr: 672 May: 648 Jun: 522

Jul: 696 Aug: 690 Sep: 580 Oct: 720 Nov: 450 Dec: 408

YTD total: 6418


Jan: 240 Feb: 270 Mar: 510 Apr: 810 May: 720 Jun: 804

Jul: 528 Aug: 548 Sep: 544 Oct: 484 Nov: Coyote Attack Dec: Coopacabana Recovery

YTD total: 5458



Elné Pretorius



2250 Eggs
Ethan Merritt
CC Saggio | C3.NYC Urban Garden



5250 Eggs
Kaitlyn Murray
CC Saggio | C3.NYC Urban Garden



7500 Eggs
200lbs Garlic
50lbs Garlic Scapes
Kaitlyn Murray (Spring-Summer)
CC Saggio | C3.NYC Urban Garden



6418 Eggs
50lbs Garlic Scapes
Giovanni Dematteis | Emmy Brett

5458 Eggs
(June) 50lbs Garlic Scapes | (October) 50lbs Garlic